Am I Having Fun Yet?
Imagine – you have just finished building your dream home, it has two bedrooms and has been designed just for you. You’ve endured the traumas and frustrations of dealing with tradesmen whom you’ve had to cajole, bribe and beg in order to get your home finished.
Suddenly you are married and five of your husband’s children, two grandchildren, a stepson-in-law and an assortment of animals are living with you. By the end of the year your cosy two-bedroom dream home has turned into a six bedroom mansion.
Am I Having Fun Yet? is Patsy Rowe’s entertaining story in which she recounts comical incidents from her first year of marriage to Bill, a psychiatrist. She tells of her trials with various tradesmen, her marriage celebrant, her nosy neighbour, her husband’s patients, her stepchildren and her in-laws.
RRP - $14.95 Oxenford Press - available only from Patsy Rowe